What is a good
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Haven Spas are made to a
higher level of thermal efficiency than any spa in current procustion
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copyright 2003, through 2008
(Haven Spas are not sold in stores in Canada.
I would have loved to have one tested.)
Havenmade Inc.
Spa Care Tips
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personal use.
Any commercial use prohibited.
What makes a good spa
I judge spas by value per dollar, and not by advertising words.
Advertising hype means misleading statements, that imply things that
are usually not
Here are some of the things that make a quality spa.
- Powerful pumps with clean plumbing that allows the
most water flow to the jets; no diverter
valves that restrict water flow, then in a few
years get stuck so you can't turn them, and leak after five years or
Diverter valves are on the top of the spa and are used to turn on some
while others are turned off. It is a lot better to be able to
all the jets at the same time, so bathers do not have to "wait their
for jets".
- Acrylic shells made with proper fiberglass, bonded with a
vinyl ester resin. This is a strong shell.
- Manifold plumbing with at least 2 inch on the pressure
side, and
2.38-2.5 inch on the suction, for a modern pump.
- No tiny 24 Hour circulation (under 18 gallons per minute)
The only thing these pumps do is cost you money. They do not move
water to filter much at all. They are worthless for ozone. They break
within a few years and cost a small fortune to replace. Call a service
and find out.
- Full therapy with jets that are based upon the human body
and air jets, or air injectors, the recommended therapy for skin,
arthritic conditions, and overall blood circulation.
- 2x4 structural framing inside the cabinet. Using pressure
treated lumber to last.
- Fully insulated cabinet with no venting of the spas
equipment heat, unless you live in Florida or Arizona.
- Thermally closed insulation, which is a full insulation
method. Not full foam
being used for structural support. This design is now 27 years old and
antique. It is very difficult and expensive to repair a leak
in this dense foam.
- Filtration with a bypass on the filter, so the jets do not
get weak as the filter gets dirty. This in not a 100% suction blocked
by filters.
- Redwood ( or good cedar) on the cabinet, that is at least
3/8 inches thick, with out particle board for support. This looks the
best and is also more expensive and it lasts longer with proper care.
(Our spas have 1/2 inch redwood tongue 'n groove.)
- The spa must have a sealed cabinet for sound proofing the
The less you can hear the equipment the better. Nice!
- No loose filter lids to slip and hurt people.
- Places to put drinks on the top lip of the shell. The
first thing you will want is a drink in a spa. The hot spa water makes
you dehydrated, if you don't drink water.
- Large foot well, large enough for the number of people in
the spa. If there are six people in the spa, there better be room for
twelve feet. We recommend that there be no humps in the middle of the
foot well for people to trip over.
- Seating that helps hold you in place while the jets are
on, particularly in lounges. Contoured seating with arm rests, foot
rests, and bucket seating is much more ergonomic, especially in the
powerful therapy seats. If you
like "barrier free", we have some like that.
- A variety of seating heights. There are times when you
want full
immersion and times when you want to sit higher.
- Smaller jets at neck height. If you go to a spa supply
house and
ask for neck jets, I guarantee you will not see them bring out large
- Heavy traces on the circuit board. Either with null
switching or
large sealed relays.
- Modular equipment with room between each device so you
don't have to, for instance, remove the heater to get the pump out. All
devices can be
removed without having to drain the spa. It shouldn't take more than 30
to remove and replace most devices. (I like to get off my knees
- All side panels are removable to get access to all the
plumbing without having to put the spa up on blocks. This does not
happen with fully foamed spas.